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About Beth

After a career in technical writing and adult training that spanned almost 20 years, Beth changed her focus from business, education, and technical subjects to social and political ones.


Launching headfirst into campaigning in 2017, Beth learned by doing on the campaign trail. She sought out mentors, influencers, and insiders to channel her passion.


Now, Beth is a fierce advocate for equity, reproductive freedom, public health resources, and education funding through her communication and design work. She has pushed to become a relevant and productive part of the Lansing political scene, leaning into her strengths of writing, speaking, organization, and process.


Translating the skills of her earlier career to the public affairs industry has enabled Beth to design websites, write press releases, brainstorm campaign strategy, complete research, and manage multiple clients and projects simultaneously.

More Experience

Since being sworn into office in November 2020, Beth has served as a Delta Charter Township Trustee to represent the People of Delta Township in the expenditure of public money. She has lead initiatives such as addressing housing gaps, menstrual equity, property tax exemptions due to poverty guidelines, and resident and labor union roundtables.


Getting her start in fast-paced advocacy work, Beth joined the team of Vanguard Public Affairs in 2020, just before COVID hit the U.S. She was hired as the Content Director and promoted to Vice President within four months. Her leadership on the Flint Water Crisis Legal Team work led to a multi-year relationship with them. 


As a technical writer and trainer, Beth has worked with mid-Michigan tentpole companies such as Consumers Energy, Dart Container Corporation, and Jackson National Life. Working remotely for Fortune 500 companies such as Texas Instruments, Dallas, and J.D. Power & Associates, Westlake Village, CA, Beth curated thousands of pages of educational and marketing materials.


Beth holds a Master's of Arts degree in Composition & Communication from Central Michigan University.


Technical Skills

  • Social Media & Communication

  • Websites & Wikis

  • Publishing & Graphics Suites

  • Learning Management Systems

  • Project Management Systems

  • Content Management Systems


Volunteer Service

  • Communications Chair, Okemos High School Band Boosters (2023-2024)

  • Treasurer, Transcendence Performing Arts Center, Lansing, MI (2024)

  • Secretary, Eaton County Democratic Party (2019-2020)

  • Leader Member, Communications Committee, StateWide Indivisible Michigan, (2019-2022)

  • Leader, Indivisible Eaton County, (2017-2022)

  • Legislative Action Volunteer: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Planned Parenthood of Michigan

  • Campaign Volunteer: Elizabeth Warren for President, Tom Reich for Sheriff, Kelly Rossman-McKinney for State Senate, Brandon Haskell for County Commissioner



Publication Examples




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